
A Garland of Flowers for the Great Mystery
A journey of a thousand li begins beneath one’s feet.

On Anger and Forgiveness - Part II

On Anger and Forgiveness - Part I

Spiritual Friendship
…Perhaps the moon was full and shining very brightly. Perhaps a light warm breeze danced happily around and juggled lovely scents and rustled in the nearby mango grove…

The Temple
It's very strange - most of the time, we don't remember that we have a body…

The First Noble Truth and Flight
…when we take flight on the wings of our plant allies, it is especially important to know how to suffer well…

The Breath, the Spirit and the Wings of Awakening
There is one friend who's always with us, wherever we may journey.
Its name…

The Law - In Praise of the First Amendment

The What and the How - A Bird’s Eye View
Imagine a beautiful home in your neighborhood. A sign reads: The Spiritual Academy of the Dharmayana.
You’re curious – the building’s painted warm, bright colors, Tibetan flags hang from the eaves, a Buddha sits on the porch, his face illumined with a subtle joy, and tulips, yellow, orange and red, sway by the willow tree out front.
You enter…

A Garland of Flowers for the Great Mystery
I am setting out on a new path. At the same time, it is a path as old as nature itself.
I don’t know exactly how to begin, so I will simply walk. This road, so beautifully illumined in my heart, is a simple one.
I believe…

The Question – Why?
Why combine the Dharma and entheogens?
Why the Dharmayana?

The Cost

The Question - Why?
Why the Dharmayana?
The Newsletter
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Imagine a beautiful home in your neighborhood. A sign reads: The Spiritual Academy of the Dharmayana.
You’re curious – the building’s painted warm, bright colors, Tibetan flags hang from the eaves, a Buddha sits on the porch, his face illumined with a subtle joy, and tulips, yellow, orange and red, sway by the willow tree out front.
You enter…